New student info and Fees
We believe Aikido is an welcoming art which makes it easy for new students to join right in with all levels of trainees. Beginners and advanced students train together to create a helpful learning environment where no one is left out.
There is no special equipment needed to train. We wear a training uniform called a "dogi" (or for short "gi"). However new students are welcome to train without until they are sure they would like to join.
Students who train are all at different fitness levels. Strength and size are not a benefit or a limitation in Aikido.
To start your free month please consult our class schedule for a time that works best for you. There is no need to call ahead.
New Students
Show up 10-15 minutes early to sign a waiver (all students must sign a waiver before practicing. You can also download the form and fill it out to bring to your first class. Waiver
Leave your shoes at the front door, you may wear socks or bring a pair of sandals to use inside the dojo.
Wear Loose fitting clothing like sweat pants and t-shirts. No shoes or socks are needed for the training mat. There are both men and women's changing rooms available.
Senior students and instructors will help you through exercises and will answer any questions you might have. Do not fear not knowing!
Monthly Fee Structure
Adult Membership: $70
Child Membership: $40
Student Membership: $50
Couple/Family Membership: $100
Traveling Student Drop in fee - Free will donation
There are no contracts or Long term fees. All tuition is paid on a monthly basis. If Financial hardship prevents your practice please talk to our instructors to work something out.